Matteo Lunardini, Milan 1971. At 5 years of age, pencil in hand, Matteo started to scribble on every piece of paper he could find, developing beautiful handwriting that was never equalled once he actually learnt to write. At 12 he wrote his first thriller series, at 13 he created a poetry series divided by letters of the alphabet. But it was only at 15 that someone suggested he also read them, books that is. From that moment he became a book worm, covering every field of knowledge, even though football remains his preferred subject. Enrolling in Political Science, he graduated in International Relations. He has worked with various dailies including «Il Manifesto» and «Il Fatto Quotidiano», he writes about his great loves: politics, history, sport, and music. He works for Consob, and handles institutional communications for the Milan council and the Province. He also collaborates with various publishing houses.
He writes stories about athletics, football, rugby, and cycling, as well as songs and poems.
His debut novel, I fantasmi dell’Arena, a finalist for the 2014 Kihlgren prize, is the first thriller of a series about the city of Milan.

I fantasmi dell’Arena (Milieu 2013)